Most Excellent Ideas to Renovate the Decoration of Your Home

You can do it yourself if you feel like giving a new touch of style to your home, thanks to these simple and affordable DIY jobs.

Don’t let your home succumb to decay! It’s essential to keep an eye on what’s going wrong and renovate or make minor repairs. Today essay writers bring you 5 DIY jobs you can do yourself to improve your home. Take note of them.

Wallpapering a wall… or an entire room

Besides being a perfect option to change the decor of a space, it is a simple job that requires little time. Once you’ve chosen the wallpaper, installing it is more than manageable.


• Wallpaper
• Wallpaper glue (buy one that works for all types of wallpaper, and you can use the leftover in the future). You can find it ready to use or ready to use. The latter is a little more expensive, but it is worth it if the work is punctual.
• Tools: roller, broad brush, brush to smooth the paper, roller to finish off the joints, scissors, and cutter.


1. Start by preparing the wall, making sure it is clean and smooth (forget the wallpaper if it has gotelé, significant flaws, or traces of old paper. Prepare it first).
2. Measure and cut the first strip of paper. Apply the glue on the wall or the back of the form (although the manufacturer indicates how to do it depending on the type of paper, it is advisable to apply the glue on both supports for better adhesion). Do not skimp on the amount because the paper will eventually peel off if you do not use enough glue.
3. Glue the first strip from the top, starting at one corner of the wall and adjusting it as much as possible to the edge. Smooth out the wrinkles with the brush.
4. To measure and cut the following strips, you have to consider the rapport (or case) of the chosen pattern. It is the vertical distance between two identical points of the design, and you have to take it into account to match the drawing. The manufacturer indicates whether the paper has a straight rapport (smooth or vertical striped pieces) or a dotted rapport and the distance in centimeters that the strips must be moved to match the drawings. It is vital data to calculate the number of rolls you will need.
5. When laying the second strip, do not mount the edges on top of the first strip. Work slowly, adjusting the pattern well: as long as the glue is wet, you can trim and move the paper. Then press the joints with the unique roller and let dry.
6. Repeat the operation until you have papered the entire wall and cut the excess with a cutter to finish.

A wooden headboard for your bed

Redecorating your bedroom with this idea will be very simple. You can reuse an old door, use a leftover board from any other project or buy a new one. Either way, this job opens a whole panorama of excellent possibilities before you.


• Board
• Easels
• Colorless matte wood varnish
• Sanding block
• Plugs, wall plugs, and hooks
• Tools: jigsaw, drill, paintbrush, tape measure, spirit level.


1. Start by finding two easels and place the board horizontally on them so you can work better. Take measurements and cut it if necessary with a jigsaw.
2. Then sand the edges and surface to remove splinters and make the wood smooth to the touch. Do this with a sanding block, always in the direction of the grain.
3. The next step is to varnish the headboard by applying two coats of a colorless matte varnish, better if it is notable for wood and acrylic (it cleans with water and is easier to use). Wait the time recommended by the manufacturer to apply the second coat of varnish, and when you have finished, let it dry completely for 24 hours.
4. Now all you have to do is measure the height you want to place the headboard and hang it with the appropriate plugs, pliers, and hooks.

Renovate Kitchen Cabinets with Paint

Your kitchen will look brand new if you decide to paint the cabinets, and it’s easier than you think. The first thing you have to do is decide what type of enamel you will use. This step before work is critical because the result will depend on your product. Enamels can be acrylic (water-based) or synthetic (composed of polymers, resins, and solvent-based). The former is easier to use since brushes and rollers are cleaned with water, dry quickly, and not smell. The latter takes longer to dry, and you will need a solvent to clean the tools. However, they are more resistant than acrylics and better withstand scratches and daily jogging. As a general recommendation, it is advisable to use synthetic enamels in the finish for kitchen furniture. You prefer gloss, matte, satin, high gloss, lacquer effect, etc.


• Satin synthetic enamel in the color of your choice.
• Degreaser
• Masking tape
• Tools: foam roller, screwdriver.


1. Let’s get to work: start by removing door and drawer knobs and handles with a screwdriver. If you change them, make sure that the new ones fit the holes. If not, now is the time to putty them. Also, remove the hinges and disassemble the doors.
2. Then thoroughly clean the surface using a degreasing product, rinse and let it dry. If there is any area of the furniture that you do not want to paint, protect it with masking tape.
3. Apply the enamel with a foam roller vertically or horizontally, but without crossing the passes to avoid leaving marks. Wring out the roller thoroughly to achieve a thin layer and comb the surface to even it out as much as possible.
4. Let the glaze dry and apply the second coat.
5. When it is scorched, place the handles and reassemble the cabinets. Be careful at first, and do not clean the enameled surfaces until at least 15 to 20 days have passed. After this time, the enamel will have reached its maximum hardness and resistance.

Decorating the wall with a wooden frieze

It is a great solution to protect your walls in those more exposed spaces, such as the hallway or the children’s room, and to hide possible defects and improve insulation. Although the frieze can be placed from floor to ceiling, the most common is to put it up to half height (1.20 m from the bottom).


• Lamas
• Skirting boards, corner trims, wall guards, etc.
• Staples and nails
• Dowels and screws
• Mounting adhesive
• Tools: jigsaw, drill, tape measure, spirit level.


• Start by measuring the wall and marking the height of the frieze, and attach the battens (the wooden slats that will hold the boards) with dowels and screws. If the slats are vertical, the battens are placed horizontally and the other way around. For a vertical frieze, fix the first horizontal batten with the help of a spirit level about 5 cm from each end.
• The second batten is installed close to the floor, leaving a distance of about 2 cm. Then place the intermediate battens.
• The next step is to install the slats with unique staples nailed to the battens. The process is quick and easy. Join the boards together, inserting them into each other using the tongue and groove system and fastening them to the battens with the staples until you have completed the room’s perimeter.
• Finally, place the finishing pieces at the top, in the corners, and on the skirting board to cover the joints with the floor. These pieces are nailed or fastened with mounting adhesive.

Installing a rod to hang your curtains

It seems incredible that such a quick and straightforward job can achieve such a spectacular result when decorating any space in your home, right? A window dressing with the suitable curtains can completely change the atmosphere of your living room.


• Curtain rod and rings
• Brackets and ends
• Curtain
• Dowels and screws
• Tools: drill, tape measure, spirit level, pencil.


1. The first thing is to install the curtain rod in the right place. You can attach it to the wall or the ceiling, although the first option is the most common. The rod should exceed the window’s width by about 15 to 20 cm. Use a spirit level and mark a horizontal line at the top of the window, 10 cm from the edge, on both sides and in the center.
2. Mark the points for fixing the brackets on the draw the line at a distance of about 10 cm from each upper corner of the window.
3. Drill the corresponding holes and fasten the bar supports with dowels and screws. If your window has a tambour for the blind and protrudes, you will have to place more extended brackets to bridge that distance.
4. All you have to do is insert the curtain rings into the rod (leaving one call on the outside of each bracket), place the rod and attach the end pieces at the ends. That’s it!


Vicki Mata is the author of the blog, which writes articles about the university’s most important news and useful information about campus life. Vicki also writes articles for independent platforms on various topics, such as design for an application.

The post Most Excellent Ideas to Renovate the Decoration of Your Home appeared first on DesignRulz.