
Blogging is an ongoing journey of thinking, expressing, brainstorming, and innovating, ultimately leading to greater self-development and "self-generated" engagement.

Isn’t a tough journey to celebrate 9200 blog postings. Blogger is the inner journey that we truly understand who we are by self-reflection; it’s an excellent communication practice to share fresh insight with continuous deliveries. It’s also an outer professional journey to strengthen the professional strength with a good combination of character, mindset, talent, knowledge and expertise. 

The world has become more connected and transparent, high-influential leaders and professionals operate with the core principles: Authenticity, creativity, learning agility, boldness, empathy. They understand themselves and have a story to tell, to build an authentic leadership brand.

Blogging is a way to express professionally and amplify leadership influence continuously: To deal with unprecedented uncertainty and abundant information today, contemporary leaders and professionals must keep learning, adapting, innovating, and practicing on a daily basis for developing differentiated competency. You have to understand there are leadership keys you can master as a leader...your thinking, your vision & communication, your emotions, your behavior and the actions you take.

Leadership authentication comes from the good combination of the mindset with self-awareness, the color of the character and intuitive gut/heart feeling. It is not possible to separate influence from leadership. Influence and persuasion are so closely linked; effective leaders make continuous influence based on clear vision, idea sharing and consistent communication. People then decide whether they want to follow or not!

Blogging is a creative activity to brainstorm, convey insight and share wisdom: Authentic leaders are comfortable with themselves, they share their leadership philosophy, build trust, they are inspirational and influential, presenting intrinsic motivation to share their knowledge and learn more by themselves. Blogging is about creating an open space for brainstorming, sharing, developing a common understanding of varying concepts, knowledge, creating the necessity and motivation for it.

“Influencing others, inspiring commitment, and innovating constantly” cannot be accomplished by a leader lacking a vision, updated knowledge, or in-depth cross-disciplinary understanding, To lead, you need to persuade others to follow, they will not follow unless they are influenced by the leaders' vision and persuasion. "Knowledge is power," “expertise is competency,” could be seen as a part of "Intrinsic Motivation.”

Blogging is just like you are making your own jigsaw puzzles, growing your own fruit trees: Today’s digital leaders and professionals are knowledge workers who are exploring vast upward career opportunities proactively. Professional development is a journey; people need to keep their mind open and their energy high, to continually unleash their potential. At a high level of professional competency, people are not only experts in their own domain, fluent on making professional deliveries, but also becoming more influential on innovating, coaching, driving transformative changes smoothly.

Blogging is like shaping your own jigsaw puzzle; or drawing a spiral up cycle that expands into the further horizon extensively. Great leaders can integrate their professional competency with leadership vision and influence to create a ripple effect and make a high societal impact. Not only focus on achieving high performance today, but also thinking longer term - unleashing their full potential.

Blogging is an ongoing journey of thinking, expressing, brainstorming, and innovating, ultimately leading to greater self-development and "self-generated" engagement. Business leaders and professionals demonstrate vision, learning agility, pragmatism, tenacity and a desire for high achievement. They need to continue updating their knowledge, build unique competencies, proactively look for opportunities to grow and advance their career wisely.

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