Incredible Painting Made of Pressed Dried Botanic by Artist Helen Ahpornsiri
We all played falling leaves or flowers when we are kids, but how many of you were able to create painting by arranging these? Not sure about you. For me, the only creative things I ever did with them was to mashed the flower petal and tried to make “perfume” out of it. Of course, the result was not that good, and all I got was quite a lot bugs.
But England-based artist Helen Ahpornsiri can turn these delicate flowers and plants into wondrous artworks that depict the colorful diversity of the natural world. By foraging botanic from her garden, Ahpornsiri pieces the dried natural matter together in a manner that’s similar to constructing a jigsaw puzzle. As Ahpornsiri said “I prefer to use fern and common wildflower species as I like the idea of giving something unassuming, or thought of as a weed, a new narrative—and they are relatively easy to grow!”.
The artist’s collection features from mammals to insects, basically across the animal kingdom. Upon close inspection, the flowers’ color appears faded from the drying process, similar to the way watercolors dry and bleed into their canvas. You can see more of Ahpornsiri’s delicate botanic compositions on her website, on Instagram. Or if you like here work, you can even buy print of Ahpornsiri’s work from her Etsy store.
Image belongs to: Helen Ahpornsiri
Image belongs to: Helen Ahpornsiri
Image belongs to: Helen Ahpornsiri
Image belongs to: Helen Ahpornsiri
Image belongs to: Helen Ahpornsiri
Image belongs to: Helen Ahpornsiri
Image belongs to: Helen Ahpornsiri
Image belongs to: Helen Ahpornsiri
Image belongs to: Helen Ahpornsiri
Image belongs to: Helen Ahpornsiri
Image belongs to: Helen Ahpornsiri