Covid 2 Rachel 0

 Or the second purple line of doooooom.

Welcome to day two of my second go at Covid. It’s very annoying, not only in the coughing sense - which makes my headahe worse, but I had my booster booked in for Saturday. 

The HG started feeling off it on Friday, but had been working outside in the rain and thought it was just that lousy feeling he gets when it’s been like that all day. Bit of a cough Saturday but nowt to write home about and I was right as rain apart from my usual moany aches and pains. Bit of an annoying sporadic cough Saturday but nothing to write home about. We went out to the fireworks and then to friends. Of course now I feel awful for that. 

Sunday, the HG was feeling worse so so I advised he should do a test and I did one too. His was positive, mine negative. So far, Mr 25 is ok. 

Covid entertainment - new jigsaw - a tricky one I think. 
My Wordle guesses yesterday! Annoyed I missed it in 3! 

Monday morning / he went to work as his van was already loaded and he was working on an empty house and apart from the cough said he felt fine. Dosed him off with lemsip just in case and then I retested because the headache and cough were still there. Faintest of lines but still there. Ffs. 

QSo that’s  me, confined to barracks and keeping away from folks. Bit of a sleepless night, but nowhere near as bad as last time. 

Rachel *bloody covid* Radiostar xx